Thursday 1 November 2012

Wednesday 1st November 2012 - Adam and Even

The Forgotten Books of Eden make for very interesting reading. I am currently reading "The First book of Adam and Eve", also known as "The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan". It is fascinating reading and I am staggered that it is not included in the Canon of Scripture. It ought to be.
I guess for me there has always been a conflict between the God I see in the Old Testament and the God I see in the New Testament. The God I see in the Old Testament could be mistaken for being a bad tempered judgemental control freak given to frequent temper tantrums when he couldn't get his own way. The New Testament God is merciful, graceful, slow to anger, kindly, healing. He understands my failings and my sinfulness and loves me still.
When I read the Old Testament I couldn't see where the Graceful God was. Especially when I read some of the prophets. Granted some were describing the behaviour of the Israelites. And they, by all accounts, were hardly awe inspiring. But still, it made for very discouraging reading. Not the sort of thing one would choose to curl up and read in front of a warm log fire on a cold winters day.
So, we have the Old and New Testaments. Sixty six book written by forty authors over around 2.5 thousand years. Then there is the Apocrypha. That is a collection of Scripture not in the cannon. I am not sure where they fit in. Guess I will find out one day.
Then I found The First Book of Adam and Eve. I am hooked. It is riveting reading and fills in a lot of the gaps. Here is God at His merciful best. Not covering their wrong doing. Judging and punishing, but also understanding and putting full responsibility where it belongs. Satan doesn't get off Scot free. The villain is identified.
The book starts at the point that Adam and Eve are put out of the garden and proceeds forth.
Why has this book been rejected as not being worth inclusion within the Canon of Scripture? I have no idea. However, could it be that it is messianic in nature?
Consider this from chapter 2 verse 5: "He sent His Word unto father Adam and Eve". Jesus is referred to as the "Word". Consider John 1:1.
Consider chapter 3 verses 2 to 6. This, I believe is a direct reference to Christ.
Does this wet your appetite? I surely hope so. And this is just the beginning. There is more. Lots more.
I find this book to be in complete agreement with the God I see in the New Testament. One Who who doesn't condone sin. But understands and forgives and, more importantly, promises new life.
Till next time.....

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