Wednesday 24 October 2012

Wednesday 24th October 2012 - Bunyip or bust!

 This all started because Stephanie wanted to bake a cake in the forest. Any forest. We had been to the Bunyip State Forest earlier this year and knew of a couple of good picnic/camping spots. So the Bunyip State Forest it would be.
As you can see from the photo, Saturday was cloudy but dry. That made a change. It had been wet every weekend for so long..........
Then Cathy woke with a headache. Should we or shouldn't we. This was our second attempt at this trip The first attempt turned out to be wet. We decided to go.
I also decided to do a bit of radio-ing and loaded our trusty car up with an antenna or three.
First stop was Berwick to meet up with Grant and Amanda and their two children.
 Along the way we found a steam train. A little steam train. It was shunting some carriages in a small siding and included a trainee drive learning.
 Our destination was to be the Dyer Picnic ground. Along the way some tracks are gated to stop people from going into some areas and damaging roads. Stephanie had never seen one of these gates. So we stopped at one to give her a look. No, that's not Stephanie, that's dear daughter Number 1.
 Here we are. Stephanie mixes the cake and you can see our portable gas oven. Plus other stuff. It is amazing what can be fitted on one picnic table. The added challenge was that the cake was to be gluten free.
 Here is Stephanie's fan club. From left to right we have David, then Timothy, dear son Number 1 sitting on Cathy's lap. Michele is getting another chair to sit on. Go Michele.
 Timothy got bored. At 2 what would one expect. He decided it was time to go walkabout or in his case run about.
 The smile on Stephanie's face says it all. And the cake tasted as nice as it looks. Go Stephanie. Another success story.
 Look at the tree. See the lizard? Big. Very Big. Michele is standing next to the tree. That gives an idea of how large that lizard is.
And the views! Brilliant. What a day. We arrived back home at about 5-ish tired dirty and hungry but happy. And Cathy did recover from her stomach bug.
Till next time................

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