Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Tuesday 18th October 2011 - AM

This week in Triple M's my group is looking at 1 Corinthians, the whole letter. It is only 16 chapters. However it contains a lot of good solid though.
I am amazed at how quick Paul gets into the subject matter. His introduction is 9 small verses covering two subjects. He introduces himself, gives thanks for the Corinthian church and then at verse 10 lays it clearly on the line. "Your sinning!" That's the short version. One doesn't see that sort of direct speak now. We couch it seeker sensitive, gentle "lets not upset people" or dent their fragile ego mumbo jumbo.
OK, so that's a little crude. But is it? It's a bit like Paul's statement. Blunt, to the point. No holes bared. Like Paul's opening statement to the Corinthian church it hits you right in the mouth.
Preacher - that's how to do it. You got gossip happening in your church? Call it like it is. No gentle Jesus meek and mild. Gossip is sin. It hurts people. Call it like it is. It hurts Christ.
Now having got that off my chest. I also happen to like the picture I have included here. It is from the net and so is out there in the public domain. May we all do what the message says. Arrive at the grave in a worn out battered body, totally spent living life to its fullest, doing what Jesus planned for us.
That is Timothy a day before his 1st birthday doing what the sign says. Going up the slide, not down it. No one told him he was not allowed to go up the slide. And even when they did he p[aid no notice. He still greets life full on going up the slide instead of down it. But he is enjoying himself. Fully!
May we all do that.
Till next time...... hooroo

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