Sunday, 16 October 2011

Sunday 16th October - We didn't.

We didn't go to church. Why, do I hear you ask? Well, today was one of those days. Mum, Mrs Boss, was recovering from her illness from yesterday. Michele decided today was to be a day when she would try to disrupt just about everything/everybody she could. Timothy decided it was time to test the waters and see how much he could get away with. Which, given that Michele had decided to have a Michele moment, was nothing. So poor Timothy found that Dad's tolerance was at minus 100. Mum was extremely tired and not up to contending with a daughter who didn't want to.
So we did do the work/school washing, looked at a DVD or three and generally did not much. For Michele it was extended think time. And as was evidenced later in the day she didn't do much thinking. It would appear we have another 3 years of Michele "moments" before we see some improvements.
This is our new beaut trusty Mitsubishi Challenger. It is proving to be challenging. We is going a touring. We have been living in Victoria for 10 years and have seen very little of what this state has to offer. I did say I was a West Australian by birth and a Victorian by choice. That is true. Many years ago when I was wet behind the ears a lot younger I came over here every second year for 8 weeks on holiday. I got to know the Gippsland area very well.That was then. This is now. And now, apart from the Mornington Peninsula we know four fifths of nothing about the rest. Time to change all that. So we will challenge, pardon the pun, the rest of this great state with our presence.
This next week we are in 1st Corinthians in Triple M's. Last week we were in Proverbs 16-31. I liked chapter 30. Verse 2 Surely I am more stupid than any man. I do not have knowledge..... And so on it goes. Agur son of Jakeh spends the rest of the chapter proving that he is not stupid and in fact is very wise.
At Jim's group last week we had a good hard look at Exodus. It was most informative. Lots in Exodus. Most notable was those those who broke God's Holy law were not killed. They were to be put out of the camp. In other words, they forfeited their right to be part of God's blessing. Now there is a scary thought. God bless' us all. Yet what would happen if all of a sudden He stopped the blessing?
I will leave you with that thought. Till next time........ Hooroo

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