"If, in my efforts to communicate, I cause the person I am communicating with, to concentrate how I am saying what I am saying, then I have failed to communicate what it is that I am attempting to say. I have failed." I wrote that about 5 minutes ago. I did that a few weeks ago. To my wife. This is not good. My motives were misunderstood.
I was attempting to communicate something really important. It was not the first time I had attempted to communicate this idea. I failed. Badly.
How do we effect change when it is needed without causing the other person to be overpowered by how we communicate what we are communicating? Is it how we are communicating in the first instance? What about when we can see something but the other cant? How do we overcome a life time of conditioning. Conditioning that says that you are inferior in the first place, when in fact that person is not inferior at all. In fact it is me who is inferior because I have failed to communicate something fundamentally important.
This brings me to another important thought. For training and discipline to be effective, the person being trained/disciplined, must be able to understand what I am trying to convey, not be overpowered by how I am saying it.
Maybe this is what the Bible means when it says "Be angry but sin not"? Be angry but let not my anger be so overpowering that what I am angry about is overpowered and becomes lost in my passion? Maybe that passage could also go in other areas? By happy but sin not? Let not my communication of my happiness and joy cause people to miss what I am happy about.
So, back to my original problem. How do I communicate what I want to convey in a manner that will not take away from the idea that I wish to convey?
Until next time........
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