Wednesday 19 December 2012

Wednesday 19th December 2012 - My desire is...

Warning: This post contains gender language that some may find offensive and religious outrageous statements that some wont like.

My desire for each of my children is that they might know Christ fully and that they will not compromise in their faith.
For my girls I also desire that they be fully feminine and proud of it. I want them to stand up for what is right. To show the love of Christ and to use words only when necessary. I also want for them to expect men to treat them as a lady and to treat men as though they are gentlemen, even if they are not.
For my son, I expect and will demand that he treat all women with respect and kindness. Even those who claim to be women but are not. There is a difference. I want for him to treat women gently. I desire to train him up to serve, not to be served. It is more blessed to give than to receive.
I like this web site. Raising a Modern Day Knight.
This is Robert Lewis's standard of manhood.
A man:
1. Rejects passivity;
2. Excepts responsiblity;
3. Lives courageously;
4. And Gives Christ the Glory.
This is what scares me witless; This modern world we live in crushes the life out of people. Women aren't women these days and men aren't men. Women should enjoy their femininity and men their masculinity. But if we compliment a woman she will call us sexist. And a man will run scared. We are too frightened to speak our mind lest we are labelled. We can't openly say we are Christian lest we are called a religious bigot.
That is not what I want for my children. I want, and in fact will demand, that my son will not be passive. I want him to be active and fully man.
I want him to gently but firmly stand up for what is right and wrong. I want him to except when he is wrong and hold up the white flag if need be. But at the same time, if he is not wrong, then I want him to stand up and say so.
I want him to be prepared to do what a man's got to do when a man has got to do it, no matter what the cost. If he believes it, I want him to act on it.
Jesus is my Lord and saviour. I will declare it. Church is not some place I go on a Sunday to get my dose of religiosity. Jesus is my all in all. I want that same thing for my son. Without Christ he can not be fully man. Jesus is my hero and that is what I expect for my son. Nothing less.
Till next time...........

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