Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Tuesday 3rd January 2012 - What must I do......

Welcome to the first post for 2012 Common Era.  Actually you might know it as A.D. Anno Domino, or if you will The Year Of our Lord.
The "Common Era" (CE/BCE) notation has been adopted by numerous authors and publishers wishing to be "neutral" or "sensitive to non-Christians"
What's that mean? If you are a genuine Christian you will use A.D. If you are a seeker sensitive fence sitter, you will use C.E.
That brings me to the question in the subject line. What must I do to be saved? You will say, and correctly so, "Believe in the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved". Or "Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart". And the list goes on. Try John 3:16. That is a deeply doctrinal statement that I wont go into just here. Enough to say that the verse has been misinterpreted many times.
But what about if you have never heard of Jesus Christ and His wonderful, life changing work on the cross? What then? That Jesus paid the price for our sin, wrong doing, rebellion against our Eternal Father is not in question. What if you have never heard the Good News? Many, me included, believe that Elohim would be utterly unjust (I think acting against His Merciful Nature) if He were to condemn one to Eternal torment because that person had not heard the Gospel and responded to it before that person died his physical death.
This is what I think.
If one acknowledges that one has acted in rebellion against a Holy and Loving God and relies upon that God for his eternal salvation, that person will live.
You see the Bible doesn't say at what time you must take Christ as Lord. It just says you must.There is, at some time in the future, a day or reckoning. When we will all stand before Elohim and give an account. That will happen after we have passed from our physical body unless Christ returns before that time. Our physical body is our temporary home.
Hear me loud and clear: We must, at some time, acknowledge Christ as Lord. We must, at some time, acknowledge, that before Our Maker, we have done wrong. We have by act of our free will, acted in rebellion. If you do wrong against another, that is acting in rebellion against God. Full stop. End of story.
But I believe that when we get to heaven there will be people of all persuasions and back grounds there.
Why? Because they admitted that they had need of a saviour, one to do that which they couldn't, and relied upon that saviour to fulfil that which needed to be fulfilled.

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