Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Tuesday 15th May 2018 Retired

On the 27th April 2018 I attended my last day of work. Ever! That is, working as a paid employee.  After 45 years in the rail industry, I have retired.
I started in the rail industry at 07:30 on Thursday 2nd September 1972 at the West Australian Government Railways depot of Forrestfield. 45 and a half years for three companies in three states.
I worked as a labourer, painters assistant, wagon repairer, wagon examiner, train guard, train marshaller, train drivers assistant, train driver, train driver instructor and finishing off as an electric train driver here in Melbourne. My last shift finished at 13:58 on Friday 27th April 2018 at Carrum depot.
I said I started at Forrestfield. I moved to Bridgetown, Northam, Manjimup, Geraldton,back to Forrestfield, then to Merredin, Kalgoorlie, then to Flinders Street Electric Train Drivers depot, then Frankston and finally retiring at Carrum.
I am humbled that in my 45 years I was never involved in a fatality. For this I thank God for protecting me and the thousands of people on my trains.
This for a man, who at twelves years old, was told by his teacher that he would never amount to anything, much less drive trains. It is my firm belief that any one can do anything with the restraints they have. Learning for me was a walk in the park. Retaining what I had learnt was not. It took many hours, days, months even, to retain the knowledge. Especially academic knowledge. It is purely by the grace of God that I did what I did and purely by the grace of God that I got where I got. It is all of Him.
Thank Your Lord for the privilege of 45 years. Thank You for watching over me. Amen.
Till next time............

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