Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Saturday 10th January 2018

This is from a friend's Facebook page. It is very relevant. All three of my kids are very good readers. I have always maintained that they were really just average kids who were given opportunities at the right time. They/we were in the right place at the right time doing, what to us seemed the right thing to do. I am not sure when I started reading to Michele our eldest. I was always concerned that she was fed a literacy diet of age appropriate Christian books. So I read to her. Daily. We painstaking Brailled books so Stepanie, who is blind, could also read to them. As time went by, Michele started reading for herself. I still read to her. Christian and none Christian books. They had to be short and have pictures that related to the text.
Fast forward fourteen years. Now we still read to each other. Daily. It is part of our daily devotions. Currently we are reading through the Book of Ruth from the Bible. We all have different versions of the Bible. No matter. We each read one verse at a time. Each takes their turn until we finish the passage. This is followed by open discussion and questions. No question is not allowed and there are no wrong answers. Respect for the King is required. This is followed by round table prayer. Each person is required to thank Christ Jesus for at least one thing and then ask Jesus for one thing.
Michele is 14, Cathy is nearly 11 and Timothy is 7. All are above average students. I don't believe any are particularly "gifted ". We just put into practice the words from the image.
Enough for now.

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