Monday, 5 December 2011

Monday 5th December 2011 - It is none of there business

Yesterday was the 4th December and I did post. I did have more to blog about, however time and space beat me.
Yesterday was also my parents wedding anniversary. They would have been married 66 years had they still be living. Mum passed away in 1980. At that time they had been married 35 years. I don't recall they argued about anything much. And certainly parental arguments were not common in our home. That's not to say there wasn't conflict because there was. I remember my dad said there were two things he didn't lend: his wife and his motor car. And he never did. For my mum, she could complain about dad, but don't you dare to even hint that he might have a fault.
The Labor party has just had their annual conference and one of the issues that came up was same gender marriage. And I guess all of us Christians will get our collective nickers in a knot. Well, at the risk of bringing the world down on my head, the government of the land has no right saying who can and who cannot get married and that includes gender wise. For Christians, marriage is between one man and one woman; not between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. And there are some who would say that Australia is a Christian nation. It's not. And, again, contrary to what some would have you believe, it was not founded on Christian principles. It was founded as a penal colony. Nothing more and nothing less. And so I don't believe the government should have any say in the marriage business. There is a lot the government gets into that it ought not.
Our Bible doesn't tell us to go to the government for guidance on marriage. It does tell me to respect the government and pay my tax. It also tells me to pray for those in power and where ever possible to respect them and try to live at peace with them. My Bible tells me to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
Enough for now, till next time........

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