Monday, 21 May 2018

Monday 21st May 2018 Doing life.

Interesting day today. Waiting for my Quiky Popup rooftop tent to arrive. It's a week overdue. It has arrived at the freight forwarders. But they didn't have my phone number and so couldn't contact me. Fixed that issue and waited. And waited. And waited...... You get the picture. Late in the day I finally do get contacted. Did I have any missed calls they asked. No I said and the phone was with me all day. Don't ya just love sitting around all day waiting for a delivery? Now it is supposed to be here tomorrow.
So on to other matters. Cathy has a headache. A screamer. I am becoming convince she has migraine headaches. And that is not funny. So I spent time in her room tonight cooling her boiling forehead and holding her hand and breathing slowly in the hope that she would drift off to sleep. She has.
I knew from experience that a baby's temperature could be regulated by holding them against your chest skin to skin. I have done this. I also knew, again from experience, that one can reduce head temperature head to head. What I wasn't sure of was whether one could also control the rate of breathing by holding a sick child's hand. I think maybe so. Certainly tonight I got Cathy's breathing slowed down and got her calmed down.
And now for my next question. I have two blogs. This one and another. The other was to be for all by Christian thought. Unfortunately I can't access that because I have forgotten the password and also the email address attached to it no longer exists. So, do I start a new one or put all my Christian musings into this one?
Till next time.....................

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