Wednesday 6 May 2015

Tuesday 5th May 2015 - Almost 8 years.

That's how long I have been blogging for. It's a long time.
My children attend Karingal Primary School. It's 845 metres from our house to school. It's a good school for the most part. We pray for the teachers there and for our kids. The kids that they will learn what God wants them to learn. The teachers, that they will teach our kids what God wants our kids to learn. Our kids are good students who do well. Their reports are usually above average in most subjects. I may brag about our kids, but not about their ability acedamically. Their are some who just don't like it.
I do have one pet peeve however. There some specialist subjects and excursions. For most of them, the parents are required to fill in a form if they don't want their child to participate. However there is one subject that the parents are required to give permission for their child to attend. That subject is religious education. It is the only subject that parents must give approval for their child to do. So what's the issue, I hear you ask. The issue is that a lot of parents don't read the notices when their children bring them home. So the child does the subjects that have an opt out notice required, and don't do the subjects that have an opt in requirement. This, to me, suggest religious discrimination. There is a vocal minority who object to any form of religioun in school. They have been successful is having the parents requiring to approve of their child to participate and that permission is required in writing. That vocal group will deny this. But isn't it strange that only one subject has an opt in requirement, or is it just me being super sensitive?
Till next time.

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